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This site was created with the help of our Estonian affiliated company, Savon Kevad OÜ. From the 3rd of May, 2017 till the 02.11.2018 the EAS ( Business Development Target Agency ) start-up support program for a new entrepreneur helped Savon KEVAD OÜ to acquire main equipment. The project was financed with the participation of the European Regional Development Fund.
The goal of our company was to expand the production of body care products, improve products quality, and create a (high) quality webpage. The amount of the subsidy was 15000 euros.
03.maist 2017 kuni 02.11.2018 aitas Savon Kevad OÜ-l põhivara soetada Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja starditoetuse programm. Projekti kaasrahastas Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond. Savon Kevad OÜ eesmärgiks oli laiendada kehahooldusvahendite tootmist ja tõsta toodete kvaliteeti ning luua korralik kodulehekülg. Toetuse summa oli 15000 Eurot
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